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Our purpose

SportsShare is revolutionizing how sports knowledge is shared and accessed. Driven by a commitment to empower educators and learners, we're building a community where the love for sports and the pursuit of excellence unite us all.

About eLearner - eLearner X Webflow Template
About eLearner - eLearner X Webflow Template
About eLearner - eLearner X Webflow Template
About eLearner - eLearner X Webflow Template
About eLearner - eLearner X Webflow Template
Team members
Years building technology
Years playing sports
Years coaching sports

The mission and vision behind SportsShare

Our mission is to champion a culture where educators and learners co-create value, inspire one another, and contribute towards a healthier sports community.

Our vision propels us to be the world's #1 destination for accessible, high-quality sports education, fostering growth and excellence in the global sports ecosystem.

Contact us
The Mission Behind eLearner - eLearner X Webflow Template

Our guiding principles

Our values are the bedrock of our identity and actions, shaping a platform that's inclusive, innovative, and impactful.



We believe in the power of community to inspire, support, and elevate each other in the journey of sports education.



Our commitment to excellence ensures that we deliver the highest quality content and service to our community.

innovation lightbulb


Innovation drives us to continually evolve and improve, making sports education more accessible and engaging.



We operate with integrity, ensuring transparency, honesty, and respect in all our interactions.



Empowering our users is at the heart of what we do, enabling them to achieve their goals and full potential.



We are committed to sustainability, ensuring that our growth supports both the sports community and the wider world.

Our short story


The pain

Amidst the pandemic, the sports community faced unprecedented challenges, sparking our determination to reconnect and support it.


The discovery

We engaged with hundreds of sports educators and learners, gathering insights to help forge a new path forward.

Our Company Story - eLearner X Webflow Template

The solution

With valuable feedback and a clear vision, we built a platform designed to transform sports education.


The launch

SportsShare launches, marking the beginning of a new era in sports where the playing field is levelled.

Our team

Our headquarters


Nestled in the heart of Vancouver, our office serves as a dynamic hub for innovation and collaboration, embodying the spirit of SportsShare and the vibrant local sports community.

San Francisco - eLearner X Webflow Template